Why You Should Play Netball At The Weekend

It has been scientifically proven that playing sports at the weekend is just as beneficial to our health as it is to playing sport during the week. Why? Well there are multiple reasons and one of them is that we enjoy playing sports more on the weekend. Carry on...

History of Netball

The history of Netball is fascinating! The game of Netball can loosely be dated back to the 1890s after basketball was invented by James Naismith to entertain a group of 18 young men at the School for Christian Workers, the now ‘YMCA’. There were 9 players per team, 3...

How to defend against a tall Goal Shooter!

One of the most common questions that comes up at our leagues is ‘how to defend against a tall Goal Shooter?’   Defending against a tall goal shooter in netball can be a challenging but rewarding task. Here are some tips to help you improve your...

Netball World Cup History is made by The Roses

A new-look England squad, many of whom were experiencing their first ever Netball World Cup, make history in South Africa and leave as silver medallists having beaten two of the world’s top teams en-route to the World Cup final.   For the world’s top four teams,...

Five Reason Why You Should Join A Netball Social League

You’ve seen ads pop up on your Facebook and Instagram about a new netball social league starting in your area, and although the ad looks very appealing, you’re still not sure whether to join. This could be because it’s not a league associated with England Netball and...

Let’s Talk Mental Health

Let’s talk about mental health because let’s be real, we don’t talk about it enough. We might be given one week in the year to mark mental health awareness but mental health doesn’t affect someone for just one week; it’s everyday....