Which Gilbert Netball Should You Be Using?

Gilbert Netballs are designed and developed to provide the best performance for all netballers. They have a variety of balls available for all players, including balls specific for indoor and outdoor use. So which Gilbert netball should you get? Carry on reading to...

Mixed Netball, Would You Play?

Mixed netball is on the rise, with almost 20,000 adult men now playing netball regularly in either men’s or mixed teams across the country. The rules to mixed netball are the same as regular netball except one male player from the team has to always be on court, with...

A Quick Rundown Of All Things Netball At The Commonwealth Games.

And just like that, the Commonwealth Games are over for another 4 years. A lot of netball was packed into those ten terrific days at the NEC, so in case any of you have been hiding under a rock these last couple of weeks, we’ve decided to give you a rundown of all the...

Playing Netball: Indoor or Outdoor?

When asked the question where do you prefer to play netball; indoor or outdoor, the answer is always split. Personally I’ve always preferred playing outdoors then inside a hot, sweaty sports hall. Even though you’ll find the Superleague played inside, Netball is...

Who We’d Like To See Play Centre At The Commonwealth Games

With the news of Serena Guthrie not putting her netball shoes back on due to her pregnancy and surprise retirement announcement back in March this year, the question of who will take her place in the starting 7 lineup is a conversation many of us have had. Now, we may...

Tips For Injury Prevention

It is a netball players greatest fear, not because of the pain from the injury, but due to the long period that is needed off the court to recover. A netball injury is very common, with the rate of injury for netball players being 14 for every 1,000 hours played,...